Executive Liability Insurance

Executive Liability Insurance

The insurance which compensates the damage for students when incident occurs when student are using or managing the facilities for student or class activities, experiments, practice related to the school works.


The freshmen and students (undergraduates and graduate school students) ‘The freshmen’ refers to those who pass the admission exam and to be registered to student registry having the relevant semester’s tuition fee

Scope of claim and Period of Compensation

Demand within 2 years from date of incident Compensate within 180 days of medical treatment period

Restriction of Medical Expense Reimbursement

The reimbursement of medical expense shall not be paid when falls to one of following cases Compensate the damage which the school has legal responsibility, out of damages occurred by all kinds of the incidents from the use of school facilities which are possessed, used and managed directly in relation to school management by the freshmen or student of Jeonbuk National University, and class activities, experiment, practice, etc Scope of Class Activities: Outdoor education (field trip and investigation) including MT, OT, school excursion, graduation trip, etc. which are authorized by dean or president, and performed under the supervising professor. However, the incident, which school does not have legal responsibility, is excluded from compensation.
Internal and External Medical Expense Coverage Special provisions Compensate the actual expense (medical expense) for damages to the freshmen and students of Jeonbuk National University by all kinds of incidents occurred in campus and outdoor education (field trip and investigation), MT, OT, school excursion, extracurricular activities. The incident, which the school does not have legal responsibility, is included.

Limits of Liability by Insurance

Limits of Liability by Insurance
Description Liability Limit
Executive Liability Insurance Against the personnel 100 million won per person
500 million won per incident
Against the objects 300 million won per incident
Additional Internal and External Medical Treatment Coverage (Special ProvisionⅡ) 2 million won per person
2 million won per incident

The Damages Not Covered

Damage occurred intentionally Damage occurred by riot, disturbance, demonstration, labor dispute, etc Damage occurred by natural disaster Damage occurred by the large scale of repair, modification, new construction, and removal works of the school facilities Damage occurred from school facilities leased to third party Personal liability (violence, etc) Damage occurred during self-practice, game or coaching of those who are registered as school athlete Traffic accident (However, damage occurred by the parked vehicles not possessed, rented or used by the insured within the facilities of insure is excluded) The other contents not covered by the provisions of executive liability insurance

Claim Procedure

Headquarter department in charge and relevant college administration Office depending on the type of incident

  • Incident Occurrence Report, Receipt of Report, and check the report
    Administration Office of relevant college, headquarter business management department (depending on the type of incident)
  • Incident Notification and claim
    Headquarter Student Department
  • Investigation of incident and determination of payment
    Insurance company

Documents required for insurance claim

Incident Report (form prescribed by insurance company) Witness’s confirmation (write the personal information)- no form is provided Medical certificate Payment receipt Certificate of studentship Copy of constituent’s bank passbook
