
2020's ~ Now
- 2023
2023. 11. 30.2024 Glocal University Selection
2023. 11. 01.Opening Ceremony of Medical College No. 4
2023. 08. 01.Reorganization of headquarters
2023. 03. 06.Select RIS
2023. 02. 17.Inauguration of the 19th President of Yang O-bong
- 2022
2022. 11. 10.Knowledge-based Industry Promotion Agency opened.
2022. 09. 06.Opening Ceremony of Advanced Science Campus was held (Jeongeup).
2022. 08. 23.International Convention Center opened.
2022. 06. 09.Campus Innovation Park Project was launched.
2022. 04. 20.New University Headquarters opened (expanded and remodeled).
2022. 02. 07.Joint Education Innovation Center was established.
- 2021
2021. 06. 22.Information and Computing Technology Center was transformed from a supporting facility to a basic educational facility.
2021. 02. 23.Installation and operation of the Advanced Science Campus were authorized by the Ministry of Education.
2021. 02. 01.Department of of Convergence and Department of Smart Farm were established.
2021. 02. 01.Global Frontier College was renamed as College of Global Convergence.
2021. 01. 20.New graduate departments (3 departments), name changes (2 departments), closed departments (4 departments).
- 2020
2020. 12. 29.Establishment of Chonbuk National University traffic safety management regulations.
2020. 12. 02.The University Identity system (logotype, symbol & color system) was renewed.
2020. 10. 30.Stage 4 BK21 project selection.
2020. 10. 21.Dental College main building, Building No. 2 remodeled and opened.
2020. 10. 14.The new law school building opened.
2020. 08. 26.Installation of Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine & Qurantine was authorized.
2020. 06. 02.Department of Energy-AI Convergence Engineering was established.
2020. 05. 13.Dental College Building No. 3 opened.
2020. 03. 18.Regional Leading Research Center launched.
2020. 03. 16.Non-face-to-face class operation due to COVID-19.
2020. 03. 01.College of Pharmacy was established.
2020. 02. 13.Demolition of existing main gate sculpture.
2020. 01. 20.Selected for new industry-academia convergence PLAZA project.

- 2019
2019. 11. 20.Completion of Aromi Masil, a standard workplace for the disabled.
2019. 11. 20.Hanok main gate completed.
2019. 11. 14.An agricultural and livestock pilot complex opens in Uganda.
2019. 11. 06.Foreign language writing center opened.
2019. 10. 04.Intelligent Robot Research Institute opened.
2019. 09. 10.University English name changed to ‘JEONBUK’.
2019. 03. 29.The College of Pharmacy was selected as a new university.
2019. 03. 01.University headquarters reorganization (3 departments, 1 bureau, 5 headquarters, 1 center, 13 departments, 8 departments (offices) → 3 departments, 1 bureau, 3 headquarters, 9 departments, 9 departments (offices)).
2019. 01. 28.Inauguration of the 18th President Kim Dong-won.
- 2018
2018. 09. 20.Establishment of Regional Innovation Cooperation Office.
2018. 09. 18.Geonji Square, Geonji-daero (70th Anniversary Square, Memorial-daero) completion ceremony.
2018. 07. 25.Shenzhen Institute was completed.
2018. 03. 01.Newly established Global Frontier College.
2018. 02. 28.Joint laboratory training center specialized campus branch established.
- 2017
2017. 12. 28.Reorganization of the university headquarters (establishment of the Operational Support Department under the Office of Industry-Academic Research).
2017. 11. 17.Jeongeup Industry-Academy-Research Cooperation Support Center established.
2017. 07. 26.Chonbuk National University’s Energy and Resource Development Research Center opened.
2017. 06. 26.Opening of the Socially Tailored Industry-Academia Cooperation Leading University (LINC+ Project) Development Project Group.
2017. 03. 27.Humanities and Social Sciences Center opened.
2017. 01. 02.Modern UI announced.
2017. 01. 02.Chonbuk National University Global Center opened at Pasundan University in Indonesia.
- 2016
2016. 12. 26.Opening of an annex to the Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation.
2016. 10. 14.New Silk Road Center opened.
2016. 07. 14.Establishment of Humanities Competency Enhancement Project Promotion Team.
2016. 03. 29.LED research center opened at Ho Chi Minh University in Vietnam.
- 2015
2015. 12. 14.Korea Institute of Science and Civilization opened.
2015. 12. 07.Opening of the International Student Support Center.
2015. 11. 25.Iksan Specialized Campus Public Health Center opened.
2015. 08. 28.Public Safety Information Center opened.
2015. 08. 03.Opening of the Zoonotic Infectious Disease Research Center.
2015. 07. 09.High-temperature plasma application research center opened.
2015. 07. 01.Establishment of University Autonomy Capacity Enhancement Support Group (ACE+).
2015. 02. 09.Children’s Meal Management Support Center opened.
- 2014
2014. 12. 16.Establishment of the College of Pharmacy Attraction Promotion Team.
2014. 12. 01.Jeondae’s permanent sharing market opens.
2014. 11. 24.Agricultural and Life Food Research and Development Institute opened.
2014. 10. 31.Infinite Imagination Room opened.
2014. 08. 26.Los Alamos Research Institute-Chonbuk National University Korea Engineering Research Institute opened.
2014. 06. 19.The new Central Library opens.
2014. 01. 13.Construction of Vietnam LED plant factory.
- 2013
2013. 12. 30.Nursing clinical center completed.
2013. 07. 12.Irumteo (Social Service Center) opened.
2013. 07. 12.Happy Dream Center (Mental Health Center) opened.
2013. 06. 03.Opening of the Global Industry-Academia Cooperation Center.
2013. 05. 27.Campus name changed (Iksan Campus → Specialized Campus).
2013. 05. 02.LED plant factory opened.
2013. 04. 16.Chonbuk National University Tree Diagnostic Center opened.
2013. 01. 30.Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology opens ‘Academy-Research Joint Research Center (DRC)’.
- 2012
2012. 12. 05.Chonbuk National University Publishing Center opened.
2012. 07. 05.Chonbuk National University LINC business division opened.
2012. 06. 25.Reorganization of the university headquarters (establishment of the International Cooperation Headquarters).
2012. 06. 13.Chonbuk National University Gunsan-Saemangeum Campus opens.
2012. 04. 30.Opening of the Basic Liberal Arts Education Center.
2012. 03. 13.Chonbuk National University Gochang Campus opened.
- 2011
2011. 12. 01.Newly established Graduate School of Flexible Printing and Electronics.
2011. 12. 01.University headquarters reorganization (Comprehensive Human Resources Development Institute → Employment Support Center).
2011. 11. 23.Chonbuk National University Museum opens.
2011. 10. 18.Opening of the Undergraduate Education Advancement and Leading University Development Project (ACE).
2011. 07. 04.Hosting the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States.
2011. 06. 01.Animal Disease Diagnosis Center opened.
2011. 01. 21.LED plant factory completed.
- 2010
2010. 08. 02.Newly constructed International Exchange Language Institute.
2010. 01. 07.Seoul Guest House opened.
2010. 01. 04.Jeondae Academic Culture Center opened.

- 2009
2009. 09. 16.Acquisition and operation of Korea Polytechnic V University Gochang Campus.
2009. 09. 10.Opening of the New and Renewable Energy Industry Human Resources Training Center.
2009. 04. 02.University headquarters reorganization (introduction of vice president system).
2009. 03. 02.Law school opened.
2009. 03. 01.Establishment of Autonomous Major Department.
2009. 03. 01.Reorganization of the university headquarters (new campus development headquarters).
2009. 03. 01.Dormitory Chambit Hall and Hyemin Hall (BTL) opened.
2009. 02. 13.LED Agricultural and Life Convergence Technology Center opened.
- 2008
2008. 03. 01.The College of Environment, Life and Nature was established.
2008. 03. 01.Chonbuk National University and Iksan University merged (launched as Chonbuk National University).
2008. 03. 01.University headquarters reorganization (Establishment of Admissions Management Headquarters).
- 2007
2007. 11. 30.Chonbuk National University-Iksan University integration approved.
2007. 07. 20.Obesity Research Center opened.
2007. 02. 28.Legal Support Center opened.
- 2006
2006. 08. 24.Seongwon Law Library completed.
2006. 07. 02.Life Science Museum completed.
2006. 03. 01.Establishment of a medical graduate school.
2006. 02. 28.Hunsan Geonji House opened.
- 2005
2005. 12. 07.Completion of Woorim Talent Recruitment Center.
2005. 03. 01.Establishment of a dental school.
2005. 03. 01.Nursing College established.
- 2004
2004. 07. 19.Jinsudang completed.
- 2003
2003. 10. 22.Establishment of an industry-academia cooperation group.
2003. 08. 25.Translation and Interpretation Service Center (TIPS) opened.
2003. 07. 16.Female college student career development center opened.
- 2002
2002. 10. 30.Graduate School of Law established.
- 2001
2001. 11. 26.Chonbuk National University Teacher Resource Center opened.
2001. 04. 26.Establishment of Chonbuk National University Development Support Association.

- 1999
1999. 09. 01.Student service center established.
- 1997
1997. 01. 23.Chonbuk National University Samsung Cultural Center opened.
- 1996
1996. 03. 01.Chonbuk National University Social Education Center opened.
- 1994
1994. 10. 21.Graduate School of Occupational Health established.
1994. 07. 04.Incorporation of Chonbuk National University Hospital.
- 1993
1993. 09. 04.Graduate School of Information Science established.
- 1992
1992. 07. 28.Agricultural Development Graduate School established.
- 1991
1991. 10. 24.College of Human Ecology established.
- 1990
1990. 03. 06.Establishment of joint laboratory practice.

1970 ~ 1989's
- 1989
1989. 11. 06.Graduate School of Industrial Technology established.
- 1988
1988. 10. 29.Veterinary College established.
- 1987
1987. 10. 19.College of Arts established.
1987. 06. 08.New construction and relocation of the medical school affiliated hospital.
- 1984
1984. 11. 27.Environmental Graduate School established.
1984. 09. 01.Dormitory opening.
- 1983
1983. 09. 08.Establishment of the Department of Nursing at the College of Medicine (reorganization of the College of Nursing affiliated with the College of Medicine into the Department of Nursing at the College of Medicine).
- 1982
1982. 10. 05.College of Social Sciences established.
- 1981
1981. 11. 25.Graduate School of Public Administration established.
- 1980
1980. 10. 02.Dental college established.
- 1979
1979. 03. 01.Opening of a nursing college affiliated with Chonbuk National University College of Medicine (Jeonbuk National University College of Medicine reorganized into a nursing college affiliated with Chonbuk National University College of Medicine).
- 1976
1976. 07. 10.Approved for establishment of a high school affiliated with the College of Education (opened on March 1, 1977).
1976. 03. 11.Graduate School of Education established.
- 1975
1975. 02. 01.Establishment of a medical school affiliated hospital (acquisition of a provincial hospital).
- 1971
1971. 12. 31.College of Education established.
- 1970
1970. 12. 31.Establishment of medical school.
1970. 02. 10.Establishment of a business school.

1947 ~ 1969's
- 1969
1969. 10. 01.Nurse's office (current health clinic) opened.
- 1961
1961. 06. 01.Establishment of the 106th Student Military Training Group.
- 1955
1955. 01. 04.Central Library completed.
- 1954
1954. 02. 16.Launch of Chonbuk National University Kyobo (currently Chonbuk National University Newspaper).
- 1952
1952. 11. 01.Graduate school established.
1952. 06. 08.Chonbuk National University opening ceremony.
- 1951
1951. 10. 06.Iri Agricultural College, Jeonju Myeongryun College, and Kunsan National University were integrated, and the establishment of Chonbuk National University was approved (16 departments in 5 colleges, including College of Engineering, College of Agriculture, College of Liberal Arts, College of Law, and College of Commerce).
- 1948
1948. 09. 01.Launch of Kunsan National University Hall.
1948. 08. 01.Establishment of Myeongryun Academy.
- 1947
1947. 10. 15.Approval for establishment of Iri Agricultural College (opening ceremony April 5, 1948).